Objekat_o-nama-150x150Cinčaona Helena d.o.o. is a company successfully in business since 2006, created by joint investment of the company Metal-elektro, established in 1960, registered for locksmithing, electrical installations and electro mechanic activities, and craft Cink-prom, established in 1996 and registered for metal protection by coating.

The main activity of the company is processing and coating materials by hot-dip galvanizing.

Cinčaona Helena has its registered office and facilities at Sv. Helena 155, currently employing 45 workers.

The company is registered for the following activities:

  • Processing and coating metals, galvanizing iron profiles;
  • Buying and selling goods;
  • Performing trading agency on domestic and foreign markets;
  • Public transport of travelers and cargo in domestic and foreign road traffic;
  • Agency for the foreign companies;
  • Technical inspection and analysis;
  • Production, transport and use of hazardous chemicals.

The equity of the company is HRK 5.080.000,00.